There are many enhancements in Version 2.0 of CatFinder. Here is a list of the major enhancements:
1. Drag and drop cataloging: Simply drag a disk icon onto the CatFinder icon and it will be cataloged.
2. File and disk icons: CatFinder's views have a new look. CatFinder will look up and display the appropriate icons for files. The icon that CatFinder displays to represent a disk now reflects the type of disk.
3. Adjustable fonts: The fonts used in views and reports are adjustable.
4. More file and disk information: CatFinder catalogs and displays more file information. You can now view, find, and report on file name, size, type, kind, creator, label, creation date, and modification date.
5. More powerful find: The find feature has been significantly expanded to allow for more complex searches.
6. Catalog reports: A new report called the "Catalog Report" has been added. This generates a report on the disks that you have cataloged including the disk name, size, free space, type, creation date, modification date, number of files, and number of folders.
7. Reports on folders: File reports can now be generated on individual folders as well as entire disks.
8. "Info" command: A command called "Info" has been added to the File menu. This command is similar to the Finders "Get Info" command. "Info" will display details about disks, files, and folders that you have cataloged.
Here are some important notes about some of the new features.
- System 7 is required.
- Feature number 2 above can be disabled in the preferences. There is a small delay when CatFinder looks up file icons in the desktop database so you may wish to turn this feature off if this delay bothers you.
- When searching for a file's icon to display in a view, CatFinder will scan the desktop database of the startup volume. Some of the files you have cataloged may not have icons on the startup volume and in these cases CatFinder will display a generic file icon.
- Catalogs created with version 1 of CatFinder will be displayed with a floppy disk icon and a kind of "unknown". You can set the correct disk kind for a version 1 catalog by selecting the catalog and choosing Info from the File menu. A popup menu is available on the Info dialog for setting the disk kind.
- If the CatFinder icon does not highlight when you drag a disk icon onto it then you need to rebuild your desktop. This is done by restarting your system and holding down the ‚åò and option keys during startup.